It turns out that my last post was October, 2017! I absolutely cannot believe how fast a year goes by these days.

The second half of 2017 was quite eventful for me. It is really when things at Mount Crumpet started to get put on hold – so I’ll start there. . .

In August, I sprained my ankle – or at least I thought it was a sprain. My husband and I were hiking and I stepped on a loose rock. I heard a loud pop and fell to the ground. I was able to walk limp and had terrible bruising but eventually the swelling went away and I forgot about it.

In November, my husband and I made the decision to move and by January we were closing on our new home.

The new house needed a bit of work and who better to do all the painting than me? Over the course of the next few months, I had four beautifully painted rooms, an impinged shoulder, and Golf AND Tennis elbow on the same arm.

After we were settled, I decided it was high time to get back to the gym. Well okay, just to GET to the gym.

So off I went. As part of my membership I was given a free consultation with a trainer. She took my measurements and exclaimed – “did you know your right calf is ¾” smaller than your left?” WHAT! I couldn’t believe it. I was wondering why my capri pants were riding up on that side.

Come to think of it, my ankle was still sore and I had obviously been favoring it so I decided to go see a podiatrist. A visit, and X-ray and an MRI later, I was scheduled for surgery to repair my Avulsion Fracture. That explained the loud pop I heard when I “sprained” my ankle.

And naturally, I was going to be down for the count – and home bound as well because it was my driving  foot. Which is also my sewing foot!

My Cast

I had the surgery and am out of the cast and the boot, and am doing physical therapy for my ankle, shoulder and elbow. This, mind you, is so I can “get” back to the gym.

Now that I’m back in my car and my sewing machine, I’m revving up for the holidays.

First up is Halloween. If you follow my blog you know that I typically start sewing for Halloween in May. This year it’s September – mid, to be exact. I feel I’m already late to the party.

Oh, I forgot!  I didn’t tell you all my costume for 2017 – what with everything happening in my life.

2017’s costume was my husband’s idea. He wanted to be the Pope. My first thought (since I’m not Catholic) was – oh dear, how boring. I could only think of a plain white robe. I thought it also meant that I was going to be on my own unless I wanted to go as a nun.

So off I went and did a bit of research. Low and behold, the Popes of days gone by were quite extravagant. Now my motivation was spiking.

I found a photo of a pope (again, not being Catholic I’m at a loss for what year or which pope for that matter) – why I chose him was for the opulence of his robe and hat, or Papal tiara, if you will.

In addition to his robe, this Pope had a gold sash inlaid with photos of saints.

As you may know, every year we attend the same party with the same people. So, what would be more fun than to copy that sash but to put the faces of all the party-goers in place of the faces of the saints? So that’s what I did.

I used an on-line photo editing application called PicMonkey. For the Saints, I used photos and drawings I found on the Internet and then found photos of my friends and with the fabulous tools, just replaced the faces. I think it was one of the most enjoyable costumes I’ve ever made.

My husband’s costume was a hit and won “best male” costume. But honestly, can you go wrong when you incorporate all the voters into the costume?

What did “I” go as you ask? Well, a member of the Swiss Guard of course. That was a fun one to make as well but it wasn’t a winner.

Pope and Swiss Guard

So, this year we are teaming up with two other people (male and female) and going as a group. I won’t divulge just yet but I will tell you this much. . .

My challenge this year (other than makeup items I don’t already own), I vow to use only things found in my sewing stash for my costume. My husband will have to purchase his – I simply don’t have the time or energy to make two costumes at this late date.

Thanks for reading, V