This is the story of how Mount Crumpet, Mount Crumpet Creations and Auntie V, came to be.

Once Upon A Time

I was in a sewing group made up of a diverse circle of women (and one man).

One of the women, from the Big Apple, expressed an interest in learning how to quilt. I, always ready to get things rolling, offered to give her a lesson.

So we made arrangements for a fun-filled day at my house!

The following Saturday, she arrived promptly at 9AM and the first thing out of her mouth when she got out of her car was “you live on Mount Crumpit!”

And then. . .Nothing.

Time passed until one day, I decided to design some patterns and sell them on-line.

This meant I needed a company name.

Every day during my morning hike with my dogs, I would think about the possibilities.

After several weeks, I remembered the visit with my city friend and I started to wonder what she meant by Mount Crumpit.

Now, you may have noticed how I am spelling Mount Crumpit.

Those of you who are familiar with that famous children’s classic, will know the significance. I did not, and had to consult the Internet.

I loved it

And knew it was for me. Because I too, live on a mountain!

I also love tea. And yes – crumpets.

Well okay, I’ve never actually had a crumpet. ButI love the idea of someday having one with my tea.

And so it came to pass –

I named my company Mount Crumpet and decided that all of my designs will be referred to as Mount Crumpet Creations.

But why two names?

You see, Mount Crumpet is a place.

Populated by the quaint and quirky, the stories of Mount Crumpet are a work in progress.

Whereas the designs and Creations of those who inhabit the little town are currently being released into the world!

The stories of Mount Crumpet are told by me, Auntie V.

But why Auntie V?

You see, I have no children of my own but I love to make things for children. And because my brothers and friends have been so prolific, everyone calls me Auntie V!

When not working at my writing desk, the General Store, or my sewing machine, I’m in the Mount Crumpet School House – creating tutorials on the techniques used in my patterns.

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Monthly updates include what’s new in the Mount Crumpet General Store, Auntie V’s latest patterns and tutorials, and what’s on the docket.

Thanks for reading, Auntie V.